Tuesday, July 15, 2014

School Services...take 3!

My daughter had EI services for only 8 weeks. I called EI way too late, when she was 2 1/2.  By the time we finished all the meetings, it was Mid-May and she turned 3 that July.

We first met with our district's CST in May 2013. Liv wasn't cooperative so they looked at her EI papers. I probably shouldn't have brought them; she technically didn't qualify for EI But the therapists put her through based on clinical opinion. They were the first ones to mention "auditory processing" to me and said "her brightness overshadows her weakness." And it's so true. Still, to this day!

School turned her down for further testing. Liv started a private preschool that fall. I adored her teachers and fellow classmates.

February 2014, Liv had a speech evaluation. After the testing, her scores indicated she was 11 months delayed.  I requested another meeting with CST. This time, Liv went back with them alone and was cooperative. And again, they denied her further testing. She answered all their questions correctly. She was able to "find a food that was green" among many objects. Their only red flag was that she couldn't answer WH-questions. (Isn't that a big red flag?)   They appeased me by saying they could put her in an Inclusion class this fall. I was happy with that. Regular mainstream classroom with 2 teachers. Full in-class support. Of course, I still want an IEP for her.

June 2014. After waiting 6 months, Liv was finally seen by a developmental pediatrician. She did not think Livvie is autistic, because she has too many good social skills. But she said we will keep monitoring her. She did diagnose her with delayed milestones, language disorder, and sensory processing disorder. She said Livvie requires speech and OT.

Back to today ~ I have now requested, for the 3rd time, Liv to be tested. I called to speak with the special education director today. I'm still baffled by things he said. Because L is under  age 5, she has to be classified by the SCHOOL, regardless of what her doctor diagnosed. What does age 5 have to do with anything? The school district is responsible from age 3-21. If anything, the most important time TO intervene is early!!!

The director said it didn't matter that L Is delayed - she has to have a language disability. Which she does...and if they would just test her, they could see the gaps in her language comprehension.

I just don't understand why it has to be so hard. I just want to help her. Especially before her peers catch on with how far behind she may be to them. And she's going to be one of the younger ones in her class, since she has a July birthday.

I'll be making MORE phone calls tomorrow.

Monday, December 2, 2013


When asked questions, like "what's your name?" She would repeat "what's your name?" Now she will say "I don't know or not respond if she doesn't know the answer to a question. 

Babbling. Not as bad but jargon is still there. 

Makes up many words to songs - I think she's not hearing it right. "Jake and the neverland pirates "dem-me" instead of "and me". 

She switches word order often. "Can I have book princess?" 

Hates loud sounds. Is still afraid of the vacuum cleaner at 3 years old. 

Ginger. Bread. Man

I am sick of people who font really know my daughter to tell me she's "normal" and leave it alone. I know you shouldn't compare children, but between preschool, dance class, and friends of mine who have children, I see many 3 year olds saying things I never would hear come from Livvie. Questions, conversations, jokes, asking for play dates. Liv has come a long way but she is still not on level with her peers. Especially with story comprehension at school. She must shut down; too much for her or she is too tired to try. Only once has she been able to talk about a story "the gingerbread man" and probably because of its repetitive nature. "Run, run as fast as you can..." I had to coach her on answering "the gingerbread man" because she couldn't recall his name when asked. Even now when she says it, it's slightly staccato: "ginger. Bread. Man".

Sofia show

Today we went to the Sofia the First Live Show. Livvie loved it. We sat in the 2nd row from the stage and our seats were amazing! I love seeing her so happy.

When we were home,  I asked what we did today. she paused, then remembered, "Sofia show!!" I asked her what her favorite part of the show was. She said, "I don't know." I find this part to be most upsetting. I so wish I could have conversations with my little girl. I am hopeful that in the future, we will.